Bhagya Dissanayake Photography
3 years ago | Villa 47 Photographer

Photography & Retouching : Bhagya Dissanayake | +94 77 26 81 180

Talent : Yureni Noshika

HMUA : Nesha Perera | Glam by Nesha

Location : Villa 47

Special thanks : Ashan Eranda

All copyright Reserved (Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.)

Saj Artz
3 years ago Photographer

Model - Eishie Rathnayake

© Saj Artz Photography By Sajath Lakshitha Perera

All copyright Reserved (Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.)