Viraj Fernando Photography
2 years ago | The Barnhouse, Sri Lanka Photographer

Model | Chulakshi Ranathunga

Hair & Makeup | Mosh

Photography | Viraj Fernando

85mm f/1.4 & 100mm f/2.8 with Profoto Photos By VM Studio

Location | The Barnhouse, Sri Lanka

All copyright Reserved (Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.)

Hsien Photography
2 years ago Photographer

Model | Gloria Sol  

彩妝 McQueen Chen

攝影夥伴  Andy Lu  

大蛇熱情支援 蕭伯樂

Hsien Photography

All copyright Reserved (Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.)